23 Mar 2013

Source of inspiration


How is everyone doing?

I'm doing ok. Just today we received the deadline for our mini project. My heart skipped a beat when I saw my lecturer's mail. I am about 26 pages away from finishing. Plus two other assignments that needs to be done. I reckon I'll manage. Just today I saw a friend posting on her facebook saying that she managed to complete a 90 paged report within 24 hours. I have about a month plus. I should be able to do it right? Right?

I keep reminding myself that God does not give a person something more than what they can handle. I believe I should be able to complete this. One semester is almost done, three more to go. Everything will be done before I know it.

I'm gona go watch Big Bang Theory before going back to writing up assumptions on having geothermal energy in Brunei. And this is for inspiration. Hehe.

Til next time.

8 Mar 2013

Off day


How is everyone doing? People around me are getting sick only God knows how hard I try not to be one of them. Not too sure if I'm succeeding there's just too much of them. Prolly I need to take my fish oil after this.

Anyhoots, its Friday morning and I am not working.  It feels kinda odd. Woke up with a bad stomachache luckily it has dissipated in a way. Atleast I got time to do my project and prolly later an exercise or two for tonight's class.

There are days when I feel like I wana just give up and roll around on the floor cause it frustrates me when I can't do something. Especially with my mini project, 8 units mini project. Right! I don't think they know what the word mini stands for. I can do the project, not saying that I can't. I'm just facing a problem with the tool that I have to use. The tool called LEAP is suppose to give the forecast-ed value using the data that I have. And I seem to not know how to do that. I have an idea how, but it does not seem logically. I can write as much stuff as I can, but the graphs still count I suppose. I should ask for help from Emma.

I've been wondering, does it mean something when you've decided to leave a person he or she still comes back. They say, when someone comes back to you, the person is yours. I wonder if that's true.


3 Mar 2013

One of those days


The last time I was in here was in January.

It is safe to say that my schedule is tight. I have not been working out and I've been eating like crazy.

I am currently on a break from doing my 10 paged essay about geothermal energy. My god this stuff is boring. I was never the type that writes lengthy essays except when it comes to writing about yours truly. I'm on my 3rd page, hoping to get til the fifth page, I gotta have strong will power to achieve that, at this point I'm not too sure if I can.

There are days when I wana cry cause I have too much stuff that I need to do and that I don't know why I put myself in this. I suppose something good will come up. God is fair. HE knows what's best. I don't juggle well, not yet. SO I have no other choice but to take one day at a time.

Things have changed ever since the calendar entered the year 2013. Some are just odd. It makes me wonder what the end of the line is gonabe like. I'll share it with you once things are clearer and if I actually feel like it.

I am gona stop now. Can't write much. Gotta save time for the more important stuff. Like going for SEAFOOD. HEEHEE...and ofcourse add more stuff on my essay sheet.
