30 Sept 2011

Egg Sandwich

Hi everybody.

Not my usual time to blog. It's 4:12 pm on a Friday. Usually I would be at work at this time. It was our last day of senior first aid course today. Since we were very good students, we got to go home early today. I did pretty well I may say. And I really did enjoy the course. Can't wait to attend more courses.

We received quite a worrying news from Raihan and Irwandy (the Boss) earlier today. Raihan got a new job and he'll be leaving the work place. Which means, it'll be just me and Stephanie to steer the ship. Gah! I'm not really sure how we're gona survive. Raihan is like second in command. And to make matters worse, Irwandy will be away for this coming two months. Aaah!

I  can't really picture how this is gona work out. I don't really have much to do but buck up I guess. So does Stephanie.

Course done means more work to do. I have a number of proposals to write up. Plans on paper to write up. A number of people to call. Slides to get ready. Promises to meet. Gowd.

Not forgetting, the O-level is just around the corner. Since I've been cancelling on my students, the replacements are kinda biting me on the bum. Kinda have to give my students extra work to prepare them for their exams.

And, to add to all the things that I have to do, I'm currently running with a cold. Awesome aint it. Hopefully I can pull this thru.

Alrighty then. Gona go prepare stuff to teach later. Or prolly eat first.

Catch you around guys.

26 Sept 2011

To whom it may concern

Is it just me or the new interface is acting up?

Well hello pretty lady readers and handsome male passer bys. Majority, guys couldnt be bothered to read about a girl pouring her heart out about her life and stuff.

Anyway, just got back from my free trip. Had fun. Although I kinda threw up a little. Its 1.18 am in the morning. And I'm not sleepy yet. And I have work tomorrow. Great aint it?

I don't really have much to say. Prolly because my brain is only partially working.

Maybe just a little thing or two.

To whom it may concern,

You see, before you start worshiping someone or thinking that he or she is an ultimate full time companion you might wana think twice. Cause one fact, everybody lies. The only variable is -about what. One year, is too soon to say you know a person inside out. When he or she has two phones you might wana start wondering why would one need so many? Unless he or she is a business man or woman then it is a different story.

I really do hope you'll open your eyes one day and see all these tiny facts that a human being tend to overlook. Cause, being fooled and made look stupid is the last thing you want.

To whom it may concern,

You have a problem. You might wana consider sorting yourself out.

Yours truely,


Hmm..Kinda felt better.

I think I'm done for tonight.

See you guys next time :)

8 Sept 2011

Got the blues

I don't really blog that much do I?

Kinda got the blues. The highlight of my day today would be the two 'medium' :( cups of green tea green apple jelly and the fact that my cars' parts are here (which I don't even know when I'll be installing them)

I just got back from work like 45 mins ago. I haven't showered cause there's no water at home at the moment and it's like almost 10 pm. Sigh. I got management meeting tomorrow and I have not prepared any slides. I'm getting kinda sleepy. Which means I need to shower to make myself not so sleepy. Woargh!

I apologize for the complaints that you have to read for today's post. You may leave now if you want to cause I'm not really done complaining.

I think my mother is an angry person. *Thought of being random for a moment

Anyway, I kinda think that I can be a bimbo sometimes and I stutter when I talk at some point. Why do I say this? First, there are times when I say things or ask questions people would laugh or give me that 'huh?' stare. Secondly, I tend to repeat the things that I say. Or I tend to stumble upon my words. *Is that the right way of saying it? It's funny. I never experienced this before. I think. Perhaps I did, I just never noticed it. It's fine though. Every one has their silly side.

Seriously, eyes getting sleepy. Can I like mentally do my slides while sleeping? Working is different from studying. The difference is so big that it makes you wana cry sometimes. *Exaggerating much. I was a slacker in school. Big time. Daymn. Now that I'm working a person can't even 'Sla-', you know what I mean. If in school they weigh out your marks, you pass you go to the next level. You slack, you get insufficient grades, you sit for supplementary. THAT'S IT. Nothing else is affected just you yourself. When it comes to work. Everything is related to everything. You, your staff your boss, the boss of the boss hence the company. You slack equals no raise. No raise, no motivation to work. No work, you'll get no money. No money means you can't pay your bills. No bills paid means no espeed, no car, no fancy shoes, no nothing. You get what I'm saying?

ALTHOUGH, when you are kia-su/good at work, look at all the number of people you will impress. The incentives that you'll get. Hence the things you can buy. Great how the world works right? About me and my job currently, I'm still trying to find the wow factor. I'm still a bit lost with whats what. I really do wana make a difference though. Maybe soon. Just need to make this brain do things which it keeps on telling me that it can't.

Hmm, feeling kinda tired. Gona go shower now. With what ever water that is available.


7 Sept 2011


Decisions in the making

Everyday you have to make decisions, from the little ones like what should I eat today, to the big ones like is it wise to spend $200 in just one day?

After coming to a conclusion, you cant help thinking, sometimes, if you actually made the right decision.

What ever it is, one thing you should put in mind, whats done is done. You cant really turn back time now can you. And if you actually made the wrong decision, like what I said, whats done is done, no point in crying over spilled milk.

But, one thing to bear in mind is that, every wrong turns made are actually lessons taught (by forced,unfortunately) and there's always something useful we can draw out from every wrong decisions that we made.

I've made alot of wrong turns these past 20+ years of living.And they actually shaped me into someone better every time. (I think)

The thing that I'm wondering about right now is about my job. I can sense that something is gona come up and I'm not sure what it is.