25 Dec 2012

Smiley Face

It's christmas day today. I had a good day of sleeping and resting. Probably I'm gona go back to working on my brochure for the work place. We'll see.

Now that I am the marketing coordinator I have been working on things like updating the facebook, the website, doing the press release and I reckon alot more. Since 2013 is just days away there will be alot to cover. Well, provided the other department has something for me publicized about. Now that I write stuff to promote the company I have to improve my english interms of writing and speaking. I can write or speak proper english but then again there's always room for improvements.

I received a good news few days ago. I applied for master about 6 months ago and just recently I have received an offer letter form the university. My course starts January next year and I have nothing prepared. Since I will be doing it part time I have to arrange my work schedule and classes and as of now I have no idea how that is gona turn out. I blame the uni for not coming back to me soon enough regarding my application. I had to go up and down the uni just to check with them about my application. This is exactly what I am afraid of. I am restricted to just days to get things sorted out and I do not look forward to driving up and down bandar to just to have things clarified. Because I know the people that I will be liaising will not give me the exact answer just like that. How do I know this? That's because that's what I experienced with my application and when I asked about if I can do the course that I applied for part-time.

But whatever it is, I shall work for it and get things sorted out no matter what it takes.

I can't really imagine how things are gonabe like, to be working and studying at the same time. If I really think about it, kinda suicidal. But I've worked two jobs before, so it should be fine right? Truth be told I am quite nervous about the whole thing. But then again I kinda have to grow some balls and face it.It would be a lie if I say I'm not excited at all, I am though, very!

My good girlfriend is getting married soon. SO happy for her. And the other friend that just got married recently is now expecting a baby. So nice. We all have something to look forward to next year and I am very excited for everybody. May 2013 bring us prosperity and joy all year round. Insha allah.

I had so much more to share, but I can't seem to recall what they are.

Oh yes, I know how to kip now. Do hundred skips without feeling sucky afterwards and I can do the monkey bar!! AND, I went for my first kickboxing class last week and it was super awesome!! Loved it! I feel alot stronger now though I have not been watching my food as much, which is not good, will definitely work on that.

I can say my 2012 has thought me alot. I had my ups and downs,  that's life for you right. Will end this post with some pictures just to show you how giddy I am inside. Tee hee..

For once I am happy and it's not because of a GUY. Interesting.

First ARTWORK by yours truly. I cheated a little though, Hehe

That is all for tonight I guess. Night night all.

15 Dec 2012

I did it

Hello Dear Readers,

How u doin?

It has been a good week for me. Did Let's Extreme, which means I traveled the whole four district in 2 days confined. Managed to run my camp that I chaired. Brought the campers to Pusat Insani and HPC and it was great. And just tonight I found out that there is green apple jelly again! Woot!

It was a tiring week but I had lots of fun. Gotta go back to reality though. Oh the only sad thing that happened is, my phone broke down, now I'm trying to figure out where to send to have it fixed.
Oh and SUPA SAVE is opened. I'm loving it! I can get Dr Pepper anytime I want now and there wouldn't be any 15% mark ups. Lovve it!

I have a feeling that it's gonabe a short post for tonight. I am already kinda sleepy.

I have a big plan coming ahead. Hopefully I'm making the right choice. I'm really terrified that is all I can say.

So Yeah. Nite nite.