26 Aug 2012

Hello My Dear

Hello My Dear Readers,

It is now the 7th day of Hari Raya. Haven't been doing that much visiting. It has been a good raya though. Cousins and friends have been coming over, get to see the little nephews and nieces. I like very many.

Something old but new is, my car is back in the workshop. *Sigh* For a different reason now. Somewhat. Hopefully I can get it back by next week.

Will be jotting down a very short post today, cause the mind is abit dysfunctional.

Last but not least...

U make me smile like a flippin butterfly..u make me shy like a girl on sugar high.

Til then have a good week up ahead.

12 Aug 2012

Tying the knot

It's weird how I have the Song "Fighter" by the Gym Class Heroes stuck in my head right now and it isn't even the last song that I heard today.

It's less than an hour to 12 am suddenly I have the urge to blog. I received a very delighting news about a friend yesterday. I can say, two of my very good friends that I went to the university with will be tying the knot! I am genuinely happy for them. They have found their true love and they are planning to show it to the whole world not through the main stream way of just displaying it on facebook or any sort of social networks but by having a legitimate tie that not all mature couples seem to be able to do.

One lady will be having her wedding just next month and the other will be having hers early January 2013.

These two ladies went through a lot the last time I remember when they were in a relationship. Tears were shed, sorrows were shared between ourselves and what's amazing is they never stopped believing in having that one man that would always be true to them and now here they are planning out their weddings, picking out the best tiaras and the best glittering shoes that would match their dresses. Ahh..so nice.

Now that leaves me here wondering when will it be my turn? The pressure is not really there, cause my mum is not the type that is over the top concern about these things and to her I am still her 16 year old kid. True fact, I'm already 26 for crying out loud. And to add to that fact, I haven't found the right guy yet. * as of today, I don't think I have* But I do believe that I shall have the knot tied sometime next year. *Believe to achieve*

The past six years have thought me a very thoughtful lesson and seeing my friends have showed me the correct way of being in a relationship. It all boils down to believing. When I was with the last guy, which by the way was a pretty much serious four years relationship, I realize I never did believe that he was actually the one, I just THOUGHT he was the one. It seem a lot like it was the real deal that I forgot to believe that it was actually the real deal. But it wasn't. There were too much hope and expectations, which I have failed to realized, was not standing on solid foundations. I guess I was just young and naive. Probably in a way, too confident with myself. And I remember pouring too much love, more than I should have. Gosh, now that I am sane, I just realize all the wrong ingredients were put in the relationship. No wonder it didn't work. Well all of those things are behind me now. What I have learned from my friends are to just be moderate when it comes to these things. To believe that the guy is the right guy and not just think that he is. Probably not to expect too much from him as well, cause one thing he's not God.

Everyone will find their other half as long as you keep on believing that you can. That's what I believe.

That is all I reckon.

To the ladies,

Congratulations! For..

10 Aug 2012

Full on determination

Things I wana do after puasa:

It's a must that I do all the things that I'm about to mention. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Since it's the fasting month, I think I have lost the weight that I gained afew weeks ago.
  2. I seriously do not feel fit anymore.
  3. I have forgotten some of my gym routines that I was thought.
  4. I don't think I can do a 10k run anymore.
  5. I've lost the muscles on my thighs.
  6. It's just so fuckin sad.

You just can't imagine how disappointed I am with myself as I typed those things above.

People in the GFCF are getting much much better. Especially those that goes training in Bandar at the box. *Sigh big big

One of the trainers have been training the princesses. They have their one to one personal trainings 6 times a week and after a week of training they can already do pull ups. Impressive ey. That's what I call full on determination. Truth be told til now I still can't do one. Shit, this is just sad. Seriously.

Going back to the first thing that I mentioned. The list of things I need to look into after the puasa month:

  1. Go back to the gym
  2. Attend circuits
  3. Go running
  4. Enroll myself in the Muai Tai classes
  5. Start joining marathons again
  6. And ofcourse get myself new running/exercise shoes (as I have lost mine. See how bad it has been. Ahh.. freakin' hell)
 Please excuse my French. I'm just too disappointed with myself.

You shall be my inspiration!

Wish me luck everybody.

As of today this is how skinny I am.

 P/S: Rambut saja almost sama as Camille. Heheh

Below is a random picture of me and afew other anti-social people. Heheh.

Sigh. Til then. Have a good last nine days of Ramadhan everybody. Hari raya is just around the corner. Good food is on it's way. Oh Dear.

3 Aug 2012

Turn over a new leaf

So here is the thing, sometimes it takes a few slaps on the face for one to realize that he or she is on the wrong side of the road. Consequences of being on the wrong side of the road are as follows:

1. You might hurt yourself
2. You might hurt others
3. You might just die

I was on the wrong side of the road. But today I have certainly realized that I do not wanabe on the wrong side of the road anymore. I've made a mistake of almost going back there and I didn't feel good. I was overwhelmed with guilt that I have not felt since I was a kid. Not too sure what about. But yes it was awful.

A person is always, I mean ALWAYS given a choice. Personally, I think God will never put us in a situation whereby an option is what we only have. Well most of the time, it is never like that. A person would always be given the chance to choose between doing things right and doing things wrong. I, as much as I can, wana do things right. Always be on the right side of the road, to always know what I want, what I need and to know what I don't need.

I am finally turning over a new leaf. I am excited and I am terrified at the same time. It's a weird profound feeling that brings a smile on my face and a couple of frowns as well. But yet, all in all it is still good.

I believe I have made the correct choice. If this new leaf doesn't turn out so good I can always turn over a new page.

*Tee hee