31 Jan 2012

Self Confidence

Wouldn't it be nice if I can actually write as much as I write here about the development of science centers or impact of science centers to the community or variation of learning or anything on inquiry based learning. I am shallow. Nonsense.

Frustrations after frustrations.

I went to sleep frustrated and woke up in the morning with a headache. I arrived home from work frustrated with a headache. Wasn't really a good day. I've been through worse though. I was/am in abit of a situation, which kinda made me wonder on how to be a good leader or what actually makes you a good leader. So I asked my old time comrade Google.

Afew things I managed to grasp as I read through some site which I think every leader SHOULD have,

1.  A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security when the leader portrays confidence and a positive demeanor

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/59305

I was bombarded with questions which made me just stop saying shit. Seriously. The questions kinda made me doubted myself and this cloud of uncertainties started building up behind my ass. I mean, where do I go from here then? Is a leader suppose to doubt the capability of his/her staff to an extend where the inferior would just end up not wanting to proceed with a certain project proposal? Or should a leader direct the inferior to the right path and portrays a little assurance? Lets say, with my current designation would it portray incompetency if I ask a little help from my boss? I mean, to what extend can I ask for help and NOT ask for help and think for myself and have my boss think for me? I was just quite disappointed with how the discussion went today. Kinda makes me wonder whether I didn't negotiate well enough or my boss has this weird leadership procedure.

2. They are bold. Winston Churchill states that courage is the virtue on which all others virtue rest on. Good leaders are bold enough to chase after their dreams. Although the fears are real, a daring leader pursues them regardless of the fears 
I am quite confident at certain times. I raise the stake quite high sometimes, it comes back to me and bite me on the ass. But in life, it's about taking chances right? If you wanabe good or outstanding, you're gona have to put yourself at risk right?  How are we to move forward if you'd rather stay in your comfort zone? Yeah bright daring ideas might be thrown about around the conference table but when it comes to actually doing it, you take a step back, what's the f**king point of discussing about it and in the end your not implementing it? My confidence was ripped apart today cause of the fear that my boss is having. Can't we make adjustments if something bad were to happen in the future?

3. Strong leaders have effective communication skills. They clearly articulate themselves.
It's hard when a leader doesn't really have a clear vision of what he/she wants. If by any chance you are a leader or the head of something, please ensure that you express yourself in a simple manner. And please super ensure that you are extremely clear and please be rigid, not just in your head but in your inferior's head  as well. You don't just say you want chocolate ice cream and suddenly change to vanilla after a person has already prepared chocolate for you. You get what I'm saying?
I have alot more to say, but I think it's best for me to stop here. I might just end up sounding like I'm condemning somebody which I'm not. It just makes me wonder whether this case is caused by the lack of proper leadership skills or lack of negotiation and critical thinking skills.
I know there is something at the end of the rainbow. But how do I cross it?   
On a different note, a friend asked, what's your definition of a soulmate?
So again I asked my old time comrade Google.

Google gave me one good definition, mostly because it has RATIO in it. I know. It's mind blowing.

Love Economics Definition of Soulmates

The benefit to cost ratio is called your soulmate ratio. Mathematically, the ratio is written as:

Soulmate Ratio = Total Love Benefit / Total Love Cost
Your soulmate is the person who will maximize your soulmate ratio and vice versa. If another person exists that has the ability to give you a higher soulmate ratio than the person you are with, then the person you are with is not your soulmate. No one in this world, including being by yourself, could make you happier than being in love with your soulmate. True love is the love you share with your soulmate.


I probably should work on my ASPAC forum discussion for tomorrow now.

My confidence level now, NIL. How about yours?

Before you go, distress yourself and watch this :)

Super funny!

And this too, you might wana follow up the remaining parts on youtube. It'll blow you mind. Hilarious!
Ok prolly I'll just post everything here for you
I can't upload part 3. Its in youtube. You wouldn't wana miss it.

Enjoy :)

29 Jan 2012

I whip my hair


Its a Sunday and I am home trying to figure out what to do. I got a hair cut earlier today. One thing about me is, I am very particular about my hair. Like very very. I have been going to the same hair dresser since I was ten. She's really good I can say. But today I figured I wanted to try my friend's hair dresser. To my surprise, she's actually quite good.

Speaking of hair, I'm gona share with you readers the revolution of my hair approximately since 2007 til today. I admit some of my hair styles are a BIG no no. Some are heh..not so bad. Some are, quite pretty. So lets take a ride to what I think might be an embarrassing ride for me.

This was back in 2007.  Not so bad I may say.

2008. Still long and straight. Just no fringe.
At one point in 2008. Still long but layered.

2009. Sudden urge for super short bangs. Still layered.

Midst of 2009. There goes some of the hair.     

2009. Figured I wanted shorter hair.

2010. It got a little longer. Decided to get a fringe. 

Pictures below are my hairDOs between late 2010 til 2011.

And TODAY it is like this :)

You can say towards the end, I kinda have the same hair do. Don't you think?

Moving on to an unrelated topic. I was in the shower and suddenly I came to realize that I use the word ASS alot when I'm angry.  It's kinda extraordinary how the word ASS, when you add an adjective to it, it means a totally different thing. Let me give you a few examples and you'll get what I mean.

1.Stupid ass
2.Fake ass
3.Lieing ass
5.Dumb ass
6.Rich ass
7.F**king ass
8.Jack ass
9.Cute ass

You see you see..Heheh..Something to think about now aint it? Teeheee..

Can I just say something?

Life is great as it is. What do you think?


Oh before that, here's a song for you with the word ASS in it. :) Cheers.

P/s I like gym class heroes too :) 

28 Jan 2012



As how Joey would put it, "How u doin?"

Been trying to recover from my cold and haven't been doing any work outs as well as healthy eating. Sigh. Seriously, I need to be caned!

This week has been interesting I can say. I found out STUFF which kinda made me think about marriage, kids and anything along that line. I just don't get how a person would have the heart to disregard the existence of their spouse or maybe kids. I don't get how men works sometimes. I have mentioned this many times before. If guys think girls are complicated try being in our shoes and try to understand a freakin dude. Like seriously. It'll make you go WTF?? *excuse my French this evening. Oh well I don't know. I keep on encountering jack asses that I think most dudes are jack asses. *encounter doesn't necessarily mean being in a relationship with- in this content. What's worse is, they are too blind to see that there's something wrong going on in their heads. Like seriously. Is a smack on the head necessary,ha? What I went through and what I have seen have not been a good sight lately. Yes, there are people that just recently got hitched and what not. I am happy for them. I reckon they are the good ones that are on the verge of extinction. And I seriously pray they wouldn't end up like hungry for more wives kind of dudes. Where am I going with this? I'm not really sure. What I do know is I will pray to god for me, my sisters and my girlfriends to not end up with a jack ass. Amen.

We are reaching the end of January. I feel like I am running out of time. For what you may ask? For things that I'm suppose to work on. The ASPAC is coming. Oh dear. I haven't done much, which I should. My boss told me to read alot. Articles etc. Here's the thing. I'm not a big fan of reading. I can read, if the thing is SUPER good. Or if I have to *which is the case SOON. One of the strongest reasons why I have a degree in Math and not anything else is cause in Math you don't have to read alot. I have this book titled Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon, I started reading it like 6 months ago and towards the end of the book I just STOP reading it and I have about 30 pages left. Why did I stop? I'm not really sure why. Am I ever gona finish it? Maybe, I don't know. So yeah. Well I can't really escape reading. Like I said have to do my research on things. I have to read like a 5 pages long of terms and conditions of an exhibit leasing contract. Gah!

When you have goals you kinda have to work for it right? I'm trying to make some changes. I just never thought it would be this hard.

Oh before I go can I just confess something. I actually bought another planner. Gah! It's just too cute and I think is very convenient. *so are my other planners.So yeah.Whatever.

I read through my old posts the other day and came across one that's quite funny. I mentioned something about my lecturer and wrote something that made me giggle. Check it out again. Heheh. Mathematicians are silly. Once my math lecturer said in his German accent ,"Emm, I'm not good with numbers.." In my head I was like "Sayy waaattt.."


That is all for now. I have goals. Do you?

25 Jan 2012

Hello You

Hello You,

Im gona go straight to the fact that I didn't go to work today. Yes AGAIN. I caught a fever and I'm pretty much sure from a friend. The thing with us, when I say us I mean me and my sibs, we were trained by our mom not to take in meds everytime we're sick. Unless it's serious. Except for my brother though. He's a chemist to be, I think, so he knows the compositions of a panadol and that makes it ok to take them in every time he has a cold and what not.

I agree with my mother though. She might not have studied intense chemistry but kinda has a point at one point or another. So til now I try not to take in meds every time I'm down with a fever or period cramps. But I do take in the alternatives. For instance, if I run down with a fever I take in yakult and when I have period cramps I take in yoghurts. It does work, sometimes. Incase it doesn't, taking in two panadols would already be sufficient for me.

So I just stayed in bed and finished watching one season of Modern Family. It's quite ok. Not so funny. But it did fill my time.

As I'm composing this post, my potato porridge is cooking on the kitchen stove. Some of you might have never heard of it. It's just potato and rice. Simple but nice. :) I was out of the blue craving for chocolate and Italian food. Since those things are, for the time being, out of reach, I figured porridge would do. I'll eat something fancy tomorrow. Maybe. I duno.

Did some cool stuff a few days back. I went to the beach and watched fireworks in conjunction to the CNY. You wouldn't have guest that people actually gather at Jalan Maulana, yes the street side, just to catch the fireworks. Well I didn't know about this until my friend told me and so we went. It was my first time and to my surprise people from different races, not just the Chinese, actually took the initiative to drop by the street and witness this simple yet fun event. You could see people of different ages already waiting there and anticipate the fireworks from 11 pm and they actually stayed til 1 am in the morning. Although my friend did mention that it was better last year. I still had a good time.

Hopefully I'll feel alot better tomorrow. I kinda need to finish some work.

Before I wrap up, random photos moment please.

Green water beach

My Vampire Bite

Cutie Pie.a.k.a Steffy's Nephew
Twirling fireworks that lighted up the night sky

For personal entertainment you may watch these silly videos below. This is how funny videos should be like.


P/s Congrats to you! :)

19 Jan 2012


Have you ever had the feeling that you simply can't do something?It's not that you can't CAN'T, it's just hard and takes alot, very much alot of your time. The people around you would say, do come and see us if you need help and when you actually do  and see them, they would ask too many questions. Instead of finding solutions to your doubts you end with more doubts. Yours truly is currently under such situation and I do not, I repeat, I DO NOT like it. I wana cry *Sob sob.

My friend thinks I'm organize. I thought so too. I'm starting to think, not up to the standard of my job requirement. I have a planner. *I have unusual interest towards fancy planners or note books. I am not a hoarder or anything like that, but I kinda have like, I don't know about six 2012 planners *and actually thought of buying more, the cute ones from a bookstore. Got them for free and I couldn't resist taking more than I need i.e ONE. Since most of them are kinda thick and eating up my ever so BIG room space, I'm gona have to give some away. I think I kinda went off track a lil bit didn't I? As I was saying, got a planner and all, still I am not as efficient and sufficient as I want myself to be. My tuition classes are starting soon and I am kinda very anxious about how I am gonabe able to divide my time between my jobs and my trainings. Yes the weekend is there and yes I do not teach 7 days straight but having two jobs kinda make you suffer mental fatigue at the end of the day. Lots of negativity flying about for today's post ey.

And do you know what else is hard? Delegating and leading. Managing and planning. Gah! I need a break from reality. Where's my spaceman? 

Incase someone sees him, please pass on this message.

Dear Nina's Spaceman,
Please bring me to Disney land, where I can see fireworks and eat colorful candies and I wouldn't ever get diabetes. I wana shop in New York and go to Hollywood and never be broke. I wana eat pizza with lots and lots of cheese. And when I come back from my dream vacation I want my work to be done and have my table and papers organized.

Thank You.

P/s Please leave Easyway's Green apple jelly green tea on my table. I have not drank it for sooo long I forgot how it taste like. And Dr Pepper too please.

Dear readers,

Thanks for actually reading my close to schizophrenic post for today. This is just momentary *I think. :)

My day was long and still humid.How was yours? *it'd be cool if someone random actually answers me. Hmm..

We were meant to live for so much more

18 Jan 2012

Long and himid *i mean HUMID

Hey everybody.

How you doin?

I said I would come back and do a review on the power shock right? I've used it 3 times now since I last mentioned that. I did try to blog, its just that my brain just starts shutting down after 9 pm.

So I'll just do a quick review now, one word. Awesome! It works. It really does. My body doesn't ache as much, even after the second day of work out day. Which means muscle repair is accelerated and it gives you the boost of energy just like it says on the supplements review website. I'm quite lucky that the supplement actually suits my body system. Cause it does happen, if the supplement doesn't suit you, it kinda makes you feel sick instead. If you taste it for the first time, it does taste kinda funny but eventually you get use to the taste.If you can drink red bull then you can drink this.

Went for circuit today. FINALLY! I had my power shock with me. *Smiling big big, thanks to YOU. And I managed to complete my circuit. A tiny improvement is still an improvement. I would write more about it, but my eyes are already getting kinda heavy.

All in all, the power shock is good and circuit was good.

I have alot more going on in my head right now that I would like to jot down here. But eyes too sleepy. Probably I'll save it for some other time. Maybe tomorrow. I don't know.

If only I can do this to this particular person. Would definitely make my day, for the next hundred years maybe.

Random note. My mum is starting to have a beyond ordinary form of sentiment towards our unintentional house cats and I find that very new and unusual. When I'm free, I'll try to do a research on what is causing this peculiar development.

To wrap up, my day was long and humid.How about yours?

15 Jan 2012

Pose Down

Hellew. When you read that hellew, picture me waving at you.The impact's better aint it? :)

Its about 2 plus in the morning and I suddenly have the urge to blog.

A friend or better yet my TRAINER explained to me a number of things that has to do with trying to lose weight and get a toner body. Why do I bring up this topic? My girl friend is trying to help her fiance to lose weight. In a way to support him to lose some pounds. Which I personally think is a really good initiative for both parties.

So she's wondering what are the good supplements that can enhance these changes that her fiance is trying to make. For those who are maybe having the same trouble as my friend does,you might wana read further.

Most basic supplement regime for those who are planning to go on a diet and lose some pounds are as follows.
1. Creatine which according to my trainer, helps to produce lean mass. I know what some of you might be wondering about. What do you mean by lean mass? Lean mass is just muscles without fats.

2. Whey isolate. Whey isolate helps the body to produce muscles. These muscles will then act as a fat burning machine in your body.

3.Fat burner. Fat burners not only burn excessive fats in your body it increases your metabolismic rate as well and suppresses your appetite.

These supplements doesn't work on it's own. You have to incorporate them with proper diet and trainings as well.

Incase you need to know more about these supplements, google is just a click away :)

Now that I have my exercise routines on the go, I'm gona have to look after my food intake. Which I dread doing the most. I'm going to miss burgers, sweets, pizzas and fried chicken so much. Very much. I wasn't told to literally cut off everything that I just mentioned. I can still have em. Prolly just once a week. But still  you know. STILL! But then again nothing comes easy right? I know that, you know that.Together with that, in a month and the half I'm suppose to be able to show something. I'm not gona tell you what it is here. Just incase I might not be able to achieve it, I wana save myself the embarrassment. I'll try to work for it though. I'm just gona have to try right? I got my supps. I was told how to do my trainings and I was already told what to eat and what not to eat. How could I possibly still not achieve what I was told to achieve right?Right?? Awh man, the pressure. The thing with me is I can be a lazy ass. Like seriously. But then again, it is for my own good. Lets just give it a shot. And not think too much about it. That always helps.

It was a productive day for me today.

Cleaned my car

Had healthy dinner after a good hill training

Did henna for cousin's wedding

How about you?

Oh by the way. I went to the the gym yesterday. And I had the power shock for the first time. Will write my personal review on it probably tomorrow. Cause my body usually aches the most two days after workout day. So now is too soon to tell whether it works or not. But it did give me some sort of good power boost when I did my training. Could be just my mind playing a mind game with me. Lets just wait.

12 Jan 2012

Almost forgot

Hey Everybody,

I'm gona give the whole keep fit info a rest tonight. And entertain you with a little something else.

It got me smiling reading them. *kinda made me feel like I'm cold inside. Heheh..I'm not. Not much atleast. I can be if I want to.

Anyhoots, I didn't get into work today. Wasn't feeling well. I missed circuit yesterday and I didn't do anything today, just stayed in bed hoping I would get better before tomorrow. I do feel kinda better tho. I slept most of the time today and now my head feels like it is over charged.

On a different note, I like Boyce Avenue. He has a great voice. Got the husky sexy thang going on. And it melts me. Heheh.

My day was unproductive. How was yours?

10 Jan 2012

Power Shock

Hey Everybody,

How is it going?

My second day of working today. It has been good I can say. Got stuff to work on, of course.

Lucky me today, a friend kinda gave me Power Shock Amino Nitrates for free (Nice!). What is it you may ask? One thing, it'll make you work out better. :)

I googled the benefits of using amino nitrate and it is pretty impressive. According to diet-supplements.com, Power Shock Amino Nitrate operates on BCAA Nitrates.  These Branched Chain Amino Acids are fused to nitrates which can more easily be transferred across cell membranes.  So what does this mean?  The nitrates can be more easily transported into the bloodstream which can then cause vasodilation and nutrients can better be transferred throughout the body.  When the body is better fed it is more likely to be able to grow the most.

Amino acids acts as food supply for our muscles. The Power Shock provides our body with the essential amino acids so that it can work harder with faster recovery. If you are looking to gain lean muscle mass then Power Shock Amino Nitrate might be a product to look at.  It doesn’t do anything for losing weight but it can enhance your diet and make it so you are able to work out harder, longer, and more frequently.

Very cool eyy. Prolly going to use it tomorrow. Lets just hope it works efficiently with my body system.

Afew other things that I googled earlier *as if I have nothing more important to do. Abs work out that we can do, other than crunches and sit ups. Crunches and sit ups I can say are killers. One of the many few exercise routines that I dislike doing.If you think we are on the same boat, here are other exercise routines that you can practice to have those six packs showing. Lean tummy would be good enough for me actually.

You can do planks and abs exercise routines using medicine ball. Yes medicine balls are just like regular balls but they come in different weights. Interested to know more about them? Youtube is just a click away :) If you're a regular at the gym, you can find these balls there. Most gyms would have it. I did the medicine ball the two times I went to the gym this week. Doing it does feel better and if you do it right, you can feel the burn on your abdominal * and that's the awesome part actually. I'm still weak when it comes to weight lifting and what not. Hopefully with the help of the supplement I can perform better. Let it be at the gym, circuit or even hill training. And who knows at the office as well.

Work awaits. Be back soon. Sleep well everybody.

7 Jan 2012

Should you keep fit?


How's everybody doing?

I had a good hill workout earlier today. New year resolution in the process. But I can't be too sure yet. I'll give myself til June. If I manage to pass June, I'll pat myself at the back. If I pass December, I'll buy myself a super expensive sports gear. Or anything expensive. I came to realize, I enjoy it more doing workouts outdoor. The fresh air is good and no one really stares at you and think what the hell is she doing. I'm not literally saying that going to places like the gym is no good. It's just that when I'm there, especially when I'm alone, I kinda feel that I don't belong. Prolly, it's just self-insecurity kicking in.

As I mentioned before I do crossfit trainings. The getfit crossfit. *Although I've been slacking alot the past two months. Can't say I'm proud, believe me. We would usually do it outdoor. Despite rain or shine. You guys should check it out. You can start by going to www.getfitcrossfit.com. When I was in uni, I do jog. I wasn't a full time jogger, but I do jog. I kinda like jogging compared to any other workouts. So I can say I pretty much had low upper strength. Well almost nil actually. Can't even do a single push-up. Come on. But after I joined getfit when I do burpees (youtube it) I can do it with a proper push up.* Not so low. But yeah, good enough for a skinny chick like me.

Keeping fit is fun. Not only it boosts your confidence it keeps you healthy. I did a little research on the benefits of keeping healthy and I can assure you, after reading them you would wana consider starting tomorrow. 

Taken from http://www.nutristrategy.com/health.htm

How Physical Activity Impacts Health

Regular physical activity that is performed on most days of the week reduces the risk of developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the United States.

Reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
Reduces the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease.
Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.
Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.
Helps control weight.
Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.
Promotes psychological well-being.

See what I mean. Its never to late to start now.

Going back to what I was saying at the beginning. I went for hill running/walking earlier today with a friend at Sg Liang. Seriously, I think I kinda missed out on a good place. The place is really good. Can't wait to go again next week.

I did a little research on hill training as well. Interesting what it can do to your lower body.

Taken from www.runnersworld.co.uk

But hills are good for you and they’re good for your running. Training on hills improves leg-muscle strength, quickens your stride, expands stride length, develops your cardiovascular system, enhances your running economy and can even protect your leg muscles against soreness. In short, hill running will make you a stronger, faster and healthier runner. What’s more, the benefits are relatively quick to take effect. In as little as six weeks of regular hill training you can expect a significant improvement in your muscle power and speed

In six weeks!Woot!! *Provided we do it atleast twice a week I think

And you know whats good about doing out door exercises? It's FREE. Ok, maybe not for getfit. But then, even so, it is still cheap.

I took some pictures of today. You guys can have a look of how pretty the place is. Prolly, next time go there and do hill training. And if we happen to pass by say hi.

That's all for now. Toodles.

She's just  happy

P/s: The only fear now is when a person has two jobs, on most days, they don't really have time to do much of anything else other than work.

5 Jan 2012

The three US


Not gona say much for today's post. Had a good lunch with my gurl buddies, did some catching up and what not. It has been awhile. It was fun. I had a good time.

I managed to do something productive today. Since I got back from KK I have been nothing but a sleepyhead. I managed to configure my office mail to this new office laptop of mine. Yeay me. I learn fast as get older. Very unusual.Anyway, I browsed through my old laptop and sadly it made reality hit back hard. I got some stuff that I need to do. Awh man. Should I leave it til I go back to work? Or start doing some now? Well, it's always good to do things way before hand. Probably I'll tackle some later.

That is all for now I guess.

Cheers everybody. Have a good sleep.

3 Jan 2012

Before you know it

Hi everybody!

Happy new year to all. It's already the 2012. How time flies. Just yesterday I was writing down a post about stepping into 2011.

As mentioned in my previous post I went to KK for the new year. It was alright. I'm not really a party person. I went to Tanjung Aru beach where they had an all white party. They had trance music playing. Which I can say is my least favorite music genre. My friends had a very good time, that I can say.

Quite a number of things happened during the trip. And quite funny too. I'm not gona go into details. I had a marvelous seafood dinner. Like really really good. And I did a lil shopping. I think I'm starting to love shopping more than I should. Which I think is bad. Will post some pictures. We stayed at Le Meridian Hotel. I would recommend it to people, its at the town area and its a walking distance to the night markets that sells food, clothes, jeweleries and most importantly the durian stall. Durian is out of the many things I really like to eat. I personally think those who doesnt, is missing out on something big in this world.

I havent made new years resolution in quite a long time. Well actually, I do have one *kinda doesnt count tho. It's silly and it is always "this years resolution is NOT to have a resolution". Why does this happened? Well ofcourse its because, I never meet most of my new years resolution. Might as well not make any.

Now that its 2012 and I know I'm not getting any younger *hurtful fact, I think I should start having a couple of resolutions again. Ok. Here we go. Things that I wana do this year is:

1. Save more money
2. Become fitter than I already am
3. Might get a credit card. MIGHT!
4. The 3rd actually contradicts the 1st dont you think?

There. I think it's safer that I start really small. :)

I've stated mine. How about yours?