Happy new year to all. It's already the 2012. How time flies. Just yesterday I was writing down a post about stepping into 2011.
As mentioned in my previous post I went to KK for the new year. It was alright. I'm not really a party person. I went to Tanjung Aru beach where they had an all white party. They had trance music playing. Which I can say is my least favorite music genre. My friends had a very good time, that I can say.
Quite a number of things happened during the trip. And quite funny too. I'm not gona go into details. I had a marvelous seafood dinner. Like really really good. And I did a lil shopping. I think I'm starting to love shopping more than I should. Which I think is bad. Will post some pictures. We stayed at Le Meridian Hotel. I would recommend it to people, its at the town area and its a walking distance to the night markets that sells food, clothes, jeweleries and most importantly the durian stall. Durian is out of the many things I really like to eat. I personally think those who doesnt, is missing out on something big in this world.
I havent made new years resolution in quite a long time. Well actually, I do have one *kinda doesnt count tho. It's silly and it is always "this years resolution is NOT to have a resolution". Why does this happened? Well ofcourse its because, I never meet most of my new years resolution. Might as well not make any.
Now that its 2012 and I know I'm not getting any younger *hurtful fact, I think I should start having a couple of resolutions again. Ok. Here we go. Things that I wana do this year is:
1. Save more money
2. Become fitter than I already am
3. Might get a credit card. MIGHT!
4. The 3rd actually contradicts the 1st dont you think?
There. I think it's safer that I start really small. :)
I've stated mine. How about yours?

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