28 Jan 2012



As how Joey would put it, "How u doin?"

Been trying to recover from my cold and haven't been doing any work outs as well as healthy eating. Sigh. Seriously, I need to be caned!

This week has been interesting I can say. I found out STUFF which kinda made me think about marriage, kids and anything along that line. I just don't get how a person would have the heart to disregard the existence of their spouse or maybe kids. I don't get how men works sometimes. I have mentioned this many times before. If guys think girls are complicated try being in our shoes and try to understand a freakin dude. Like seriously. It'll make you go WTF?? *excuse my French this evening. Oh well I don't know. I keep on encountering jack asses that I think most dudes are jack asses. *encounter doesn't necessarily mean being in a relationship with- in this content. What's worse is, they are too blind to see that there's something wrong going on in their heads. Like seriously. Is a smack on the head necessary,ha? What I went through and what I have seen have not been a good sight lately. Yes, there are people that just recently got hitched and what not. I am happy for them. I reckon they are the good ones that are on the verge of extinction. And I seriously pray they wouldn't end up like hungry for more wives kind of dudes. Where am I going with this? I'm not really sure. What I do know is I will pray to god for me, my sisters and my girlfriends to not end up with a jack ass. Amen.

We are reaching the end of January. I feel like I am running out of time. For what you may ask? For things that I'm suppose to work on. The ASPAC is coming. Oh dear. I haven't done much, which I should. My boss told me to read alot. Articles etc. Here's the thing. I'm not a big fan of reading. I can read, if the thing is SUPER good. Or if I have to *which is the case SOON. One of the strongest reasons why I have a degree in Math and not anything else is cause in Math you don't have to read alot. I have this book titled Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon, I started reading it like 6 months ago and towards the end of the book I just STOP reading it and I have about 30 pages left. Why did I stop? I'm not really sure why. Am I ever gona finish it? Maybe, I don't know. So yeah. Well I can't really escape reading. Like I said have to do my research on things. I have to read like a 5 pages long of terms and conditions of an exhibit leasing contract. Gah!

When you have goals you kinda have to work for it right? I'm trying to make some changes. I just never thought it would be this hard.

Oh before I go can I just confess something. I actually bought another planner. Gah! It's just too cute and I think is very convenient. *so are my other planners.So yeah.Whatever.

I read through my old posts the other day and came across one that's quite funny. I mentioned something about my lecturer and wrote something that made me giggle. Check it out again. Heheh. Mathematicians are silly. Once my math lecturer said in his German accent ,"Emm, I'm not good with numbers.." In my head I was like "Sayy waaattt.."


That is all for now. I have goals. Do you?


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  2. Hey Sheena, really sweet of you to drop by. Will try to write better so that every visit you make is fruitful.Smiles all the way :)
