Tomorrow is his majesty's birthday. That would mean it's my sister's birthday too. That would also mean, I forgot to get her a present.=S Perhaps tomorrow.
Why the absent minded-ness you may ask? First of all, I completed my internship. I'm now currently working at a new place. Gona post some pics later. I know after looking at the pictures you would think I am now a school teacher. Well, I'm not. Let's just say I got a kinda cool job right now.I kinda like it.Still trying to get the hang of stuff. Despite being stressful and tired almost every night, I know this is gonabe one hell of a ride that I will enjoy.
Here are some examples of the things that I'm suppose to do:
1.Produce young scientists (Prolly,I'll get married to a scientist if all else fails)
2.Come up with a five year plan/projects etc
3.Bring in awesome exhibits to Brunei
4.Do science research especially on oil and gas
5.Conduct team building exercises for students,teachers and corporates(Which I'm not too sure how)
The list goes on.
This is gonabe fun.I hope.
Here are some pictures of ONE of the things that I have to do:

It was my first MDS (Meneroka Dunia Science) at Sg. Rendah Sungai Tali. We had one today at work. Kids from Yayasan School came, about 100 of them. Alhamdulilah I managed to handle them. My staff were very helpful, they really helped me alot these past few days.
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