You might be wondering where I have disappeared. Been busy with work the past one month or two.
I had the launching of the Young Engineers Zone. Followed by the SME promotion and then December Camp and then the traffic game. Felt like I was working for two months non-stop. But all in all it was fun. Everybody was helpful, a lil hiccup here and there, but hey, no one's perfect right? As it stands, I like doing what I do now. Some of the guys at the office might be sick of doing what they already have been doing for the past few years, but to think about it, there are people out there who might actually crave for a job, their job.
This is the problem with us human beings, we tend to overlook or under appreciate the things we already have for too long. I can't say I'm a good person, I do have my days. But I do try hard to appreciate and make the best out of everything that I have. Cause I know out there, there are people who would die *ok maybe not die, who would want to be on my spot. I believe that, the more we appreciate, the more good things will come to us.
I feel like being random for abit. I met Steffy's nephew and straight away fell in love with him at first sight. He's so adorable. Will show you his picture. :) And I am now addicted to Dr Pepper. Also, since easyway ran out of Green apple jelly, I am now drowning myself with Orange Green Tea with Mango Pudding. Should give it a try.
Anyhoots, it is already December 2011. Yeah, time flies as we stand. Sigh. I pretty much went through alot. Tears were shed, laughter were sound. I can say, every thing that happened did shape me to somebody wiser. I came to realize that some things can't change that easily. No matter how hard you try. How hard you pray. I do pray that things will be better next year. This year has been great. I wouldn't mind settling for something a lil better. :) Went KL last year for the new year. Will be dropping by KK for this year. Hopefully it'll turn out great.
This year itself, I went KL twice and Singapore and soon will be heading to KK. Oh dear. I got a car, an Ipad and a free laptop. And one of the KL trip that I went for was a free trip. Come to think of it, 2011 has been awesome. Alhamdulilah. Went to Pilihan FM radio station and Kristal FM radio station. Met DJ Izan, Marilyn and Dafy. Wonderful they are. I visited more than 20 schools in Brunei. Even to those I have never heard before. Super awesome. Hmm.. 2011 isn't so bad after all. :) I even met and got closer to new people.
I can't wait for 2012. The upcoming things that I'll be doing. One of the many things that I'm looking forward for is the 2012 Asia Pacific Network of Science & Technology Centres (ASPAC) meeting in Singapore. I will be presenting at the forum with other young science centre professionals from different countries. Cool eyy. Besides that, the new theme exhibit that I will be bringing in. I haven't started on the paper work though, which I should and also the new oil and gas exhibit. I reckon I'm gona have alot to do after my long leave. It's ok. I love keeping myself busy with work. Cause the aftermath is just overwhelmingly fulfilling.
A friend keeps on saying I'm a workaholic, I beg to differ. I'm a big time slacker. If only he knew me when I was back in school. Heheh.
It's almost 2.30 am in the morning. Eyes getting kinda sleepy.
Prolly I'll spice up this post by inserting some pictures in it. You will get to see Bubby *Steffy's nephew. I want a chubby baby. Two please. *Just not at the same time. Heheh
I think I'm gona stop rambling now. Will resume soon enough. See you guys. Thanks for reading. Incase I do not appear until the new year, I would like to wish every body happy new year yeah. Cheers.
I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you a thousand more.
Warmest Regards,

Dr Pepper

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