Facebook has this thing going on where we are asked to put our childhood all time favourite cartoon charater as our dp. This made me think how things were alot simpler back then. When I was little I was problem free. I think. The only troubles I had would be, not wanting to go to school or something like that.Thats as far as it gets.
As we got older we learn more things, we always have the urge of trying out new stuff. And at times we get a little rebellious. The older we get, the more decisions we have to make for ourselves. And this is one of the many tough things that a person has to go through as we get older.
I wonder if I can start things over. Or maybe have something new that can make me feel like a little child again.
Sigh. Things happen for a reason. God has HIS way of testing people.It's suppose to make us a stronger person. So yea. Whatever it is, I'll wait for the day. After a hurricane there's always a rainbow. I'll just wait and see.
Currently. I'm working on my book. Doing it as fast as I can. Can't believe I procastinated. Sheeshh.
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