It's almost mid night and I suddenly have the urge to blog. I managed to start doing my essay on renewable energy. From thinking of writing about enery from clean coal to solar to hydro power I decided to write an essay on biodiesel. Biodiesel is actually categorized under biomass. Where biomass are energy obtained from natural resources.In the case of biodiesel it can be obtained from waste cooking oil. Malaysia and Indonesia are one of the major exporters of biodiesel in Asia. If they can do it why not Brunei right?Hopefully I can get this done soon.
Then I can start with my Large Hedron Collider essay. I find that topic more interesting. I've gathered afew articles regarding the topic and some videos and found out alot of very interesting stuff. The process actually started from releasing hydrogen from a fire extinguisher into a large chamber where the hydrogen particles were set to travel at the speed of light. Then, 2 of the hydrogen particles from opposite directions were caused to collide. I'm not quite sure if what I just said is entirely right. But for sure,it's somewhere in that direction. After the collision, observations were made. And some pretty interesting stuff were observed.Because of this I actually followed CERN on twitter.By day I'm becoming more dorky.
Anyway it doesn't matter.Smart is the new sexy.
So here's my list of things yet to be done:
- Renewable energy essay
- LHC essay
- Math Programming assignment
- Waves Test
- Numerical Analysis 2 Quiz
- Solve Khun Tucker for project
That's about it. Gona go to bed now. Night.