30 Mar 2010

What was once a mystery is now history

You might wana think first before crossing somebody's line. Coz you might actually end up getting a cold shoulder instead of a pleasant smile.

It's almost mid night and I suddenly have the urge to blog. I managed to start doing my essay on renewable energy. From thinking of writing about enery from clean coal to solar to hydro power I decided to write an essay on biodiesel. Biodiesel is actually categorized under biomass. Where biomass are energy obtained from natural resources.In the case of biodiesel it can be obtained from waste cooking oil. Malaysia and Indonesia are one of the major exporters of biodiesel in Asia. If they can do it why not Brunei right?Hopefully I can get this done soon.

Then I can start with my Large Hedron Collider essay. I find that topic more interesting. I've gathered afew articles regarding the topic and some videos and found out alot of very interesting stuff. The process actually started from releasing hydrogen from a fire extinguisher into a large chamber where the hydrogen particles were set to travel at the speed of light. Then, 2 of the hydrogen particles from opposite directions were caused to collide. I'm not quite sure if what I just said is entirely right. But for sure,it's somewhere in that direction. After the collision, observations were made. And some pretty interesting stuff were observed.Because of this I actually followed CERN on twitter.By day I'm becoming more dorky.

Anyway it doesn't matter.Smart is the new sexy.

So here's my list of things yet to be done:
  • Renewable energy essay
  • LHC essay
  • Math Programming assignment
  • Waves Test
  • Numerical Analysis 2 Quiz
  • Solve Khun Tucker for project

That's about it. Gona go to bed now. Night.

28 Mar 2010

A day with you

After a while of not having the chance to write alot, I chose tonight to be the day that I will.

I went to miri last friday. Got sour ribbons.Ofcourse. And you know what I found out during that one day miri trip? Black girls dig my man. Hmmm..*awkward silence* I don't think I'm gona elaborate on that.

Moving on to a totally unrelated topic.


The exam is on its way to haunt me down and make a kuukuu out of my head *groan*. Oh well,life aint fun without challenges. You know what else is challenging for me other than exams? Typing a long word without messing up the spelling. I used to always cheat during spelling tests during my primary school. And I would end up getting 10/10. Now I have to pay the price. So kids cheating is no good. So adults, CHEATING is no good.If you know what I mean.

Oh,we went to miri to get the boyfie's supps too. Those things come in bottles which are huge and fat looking. And they are freakin' expensive. Pictures can be seen towards the end of this post.

Since the exam is coming that means we are gona have assignments, tests, assignments due dates and etc attacking us at the same time.Yeay.I complain too much don't I?

School can be really hard. But I know once I'm done I'm gona miss it really bad.Be cool.Stay in school. *or is it the other way round?*

Anyway, I'm gona upload the pictures now and go revise my dynamical system and alot more. Heheh.

This is the boyfie's shaved head.Heheh.*no, this is not the side affect of taking in those things*

These are birthday gifts for the boyfie's mom. =)

27 Mar 2010

I love you

Yes,it has been awhile.

I'm not gona say much tonight. The brain is not working efficiently. And I seriously need to shower.

Just wana say,


*big smile*

15 Mar 2010

I got the POWER

As I am composing this piece I am currently on my break from my ever so fun report writing. If I wasn't so afraid of getting hungry in the middle of the night, dinner wouldn't be in the list of things to do.

I'm having brocolli chicken with rice again. This is the only thing that is close to healthy in this canteen. *sigh*

One thing you should remember when you're on a diet is to never starve yourself.That's what I learned from Fadhli. You have to eat. But 'clean food' he calls them. Which basically means food with little of everything. Oil salt sugar.

I didnt jog today.Darn it. 'Work' wouldn't let me go out and jog. Or let alone, do anything else.

Here's a list of things I have to do this week.

14 Mar 2010

My almost healthy breakfast

Brocolli Chicken with rice

According to fadh, in the morning he should eat lots and lots of rice for breakfast. In the afternoon, rice some more. And at night, he can eat only low fat food. Like Veggies or just potatoes and eggs.

So here, for breakfast I ordered brocolli chicken with rice. Didn't manage to finish the rice though. I don't really like veggies. But kinda have to eat them if I wana suceed in this healthy diet of mine.

Didn't manage to go out and jog this morning. I did house keeping instead. Did my laundry, mopped the floor, cleaned my table and arranged my books. Oh also, I did my first day sit-ups. 99 more days to go.


13 Mar 2010

Whats for dinner?

This is a so called egg sandwich. Yes, it taste as odd as it looks.*even my 11 year old sister can make better egg sandwiches.*

Trying to cut down on rice and fatty food. The fries are a big no-no actually. Didn't have a choice. They both came hand in hand.I didn't finish it though. I'm currently trying to implement a healthy life style.*heheh* You know, healthy food, sufficient exercise and such. Did went for a jog yesterday.After so long and it made me feel good. The boyfie is obsess about his body. It's kinda annoying. He makes me have this idea that I should keep fit too. I don't wana be all flabby and dumpy in 3 years time and he'll be all buff and stuff. NOOOOO. Can't let that happen. Never. Just thinking about it already gives me the shivers. What I have in mind currently are as follows:

1) Sleep early at night *if there's no work in the way*, so that I can wake up early the next day and jog. This is incase I donot have time to jog in the afternoon. *Starting tomorrow*

2) Do sit-ups. Every morning *or when ever relevant*.For atleast a 100 days. Just to see if sit -ups can really flatten your tummy. *Starting tomorrow*

My Dear Report

Mock presentation next Saturday. Gotta nail this thing.

12 Mar 2010

A lil something for you to see

This is what we do when we're bored.Before.

When the boyfie got punked.

9 Mar 2010

A point in life

Currently on a break from doing my modelling. *sigh* Got my financial test paper back today. Din't do so well. *sob* Have to get all gears to start rolling. Like ASAP man. I don't think i did well for my waves test as well. *aaaahhh* Ok like seriously. Gotta get my ass moving. STUDYYYY HARDER!!! *sigh* I need lyk a studying time table. Gona do it in abit.

Studying is not so bad. It's not heart-aching or anything. It's just at one point you'll get frustrated if you happened to get stuck on a problem which seem to be unsolvable. And sometimes, it is hard to do. Oh well, nothing is easy when you actually wana get somewhere in life.

I sent my application form today.So I guess I'm just gona let it be for awhile and not think about it. Hopefully everything will go well.

I think I'm running out of things to write. Maybe I'm gona go and do my timetable now. Catch you lator.

Oh by the way. The EXAM is coming. =( It's gonabe in MAY. Might still seem so far away for you. Believe me ITS not. IT'S COMINNNGGGG!!!

I'm going crazy by the minute. *sigh*

8 Mar 2010

Time and Tide,Waits for No Man

A week or so has passed since I've last blogged. The things I did ranges from workshop to field trip to holiday to class tests. (you can read full details about the workshop and field trip from shala's blog)

And today, I got a call from RBA. Informing me about a job interview. *shocked me for a moment.Coz I don't remember applying RBA.Or ANYWHERE*The lady called almost everyone in my class about the job interview. So everyone is like thinking about it right now I'm sure.

A friend of mine told me that there will be a career talk for math final year students this coming WEDNESDAY. Apparently, there are afew companies in need for mathematicians. Let me say that again MATHEMATICIANS. *There ARE things you can DO by having a BSc in Math, Ladies and Gentlemen*

Things are happening really fast right now. If I'm not careful I'll stumble and fall for sure. So what I need now is a virtual cane. And that would be, self-discipline and time management.
