28 Mar 2010

A day with you

After a while of not having the chance to write alot, I chose tonight to be the day that I will.

I went to miri last friday. Got sour ribbons.Ofcourse. And you know what I found out during that one day miri trip? Black girls dig my man. Hmmm..*awkward silence* I don't think I'm gona elaborate on that.

Moving on to a totally unrelated topic.


The exam is on its way to haunt me down and make a kuukuu out of my head *groan*. Oh well,life aint fun without challenges. You know what else is challenging for me other than exams? Typing a long word without messing up the spelling. I used to always cheat during spelling tests during my primary school. And I would end up getting 10/10. Now I have to pay the price. So kids cheating is no good. So adults, CHEATING is no good.If you know what I mean.

Oh,we went to miri to get the boyfie's supps too. Those things come in bottles which are huge and fat looking. And they are freakin' expensive. Pictures can be seen towards the end of this post.

Since the exam is coming that means we are gona have assignments, tests, assignments due dates and etc attacking us at the same time.Yeay.I complain too much don't I?

School can be really hard. But I know once I'm done I'm gona miss it really bad.Be cool.Stay in school. *or is it the other way round?*

Anyway, I'm gona upload the pictures now and go revise my dynamical system and alot more. Heheh.

This is the boyfie's shaved head.Heheh.*no, this is not the side affect of taking in those things*

These are birthday gifts for the boyfie's mom. =)

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