12 Jul 2010

No time for losers

The first thing I did this morning, checked the SCORE. One - nil. The spanish won. Paul was right. I managed to stay up to watch only the opening performance. Then I went to sleep. Somehow I had a dream that holland actually won, unfortunately they did't. It doesn't matter though. Who loses or who won. Cause I was rooting for Argentine and Brazil. They got eliminated way too soon. Such a shocker. After that term of events, world cup isn't that exciting for me anymore. Anyway, congratulation to the winning team. There ends the world cup!

Bravo Espana

This video below was made for US (the math gang) by Pei Yuen. And now it is dedicated to the Spanish from me. Heheh. P.s Pei Yuen I just opened the video. This is due to my lack of commitment on checking my mail. A million apologies from me to you.Thanks woman. U did great. Heheh.

Todays chores would be, iron my clothes, finish up on my 'this weeks combined science topics'and prolly go out with the mother to do a little shopping. We shop almost everyday, so yea. Nothing fancy there. My mum is the type who doesn't stock up on groceries. We would only buy the things that we wana cook on the day itself. Oh, finally, I have classes at night.

Maybe I should shower soon. I'm pretty sure my mum is gona ask me to go have breakfast with her soon. Oh I almost forgot, I have to print out stuff for the boyfie.

Catch you later.

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