4 Apr 2012

Monkey Butt

You know, as you grow older you come across all these types of people with different characters and attitudes. Some are nice some are just blurghh, they make you wince like there's no tomorrow.

From high school to uni to work, you can imagine the transition of "friends" you'd come across.

Truth be told, there are only a handful of good people on this earth. Authentically, genuinely a good person at heart. I am yet to find one though. A super nice person I mean.

I had a long day today and it wasn't too good. I bought a pair of purple crocs and my mum was like saying "did you get another crocs?" I was like thinking my blue shoe ripped and I reckon she was the one who threw it away and don't even remember doing it. What choice do I have, I needed a comfortable flats and crocs was my best option. Those things are quite pricey though. Oh well. Don't get me wrong, that wasn't the thing that was making my day slightly crappy than usual. Moms will always be moms, that's all I can say.

I don't get how certain people think sometimes.There are times when I think too much about it I end up thinking probably I'm the one with the problem. There are people who are just too ignorant with the things that comes out from their mouth. Senseless , irrational things just spurts out and it's either they do not realize it or they just "pretend" not to realize it. I admit I am not that nice of a person I can be stupid senseless or irresponsible at times but I do always try to better myself or maybe atleast try not to do it you know. Cause a normal person would be able to sense inappropriate or irrational actions and would actually withdraw or withhold themselves from doing these indecent actions. Sadly, there are people who are, I don't even know what's the word, who are like monkey butts! I would like to say morons, probably that would be too harsh, I'm just gonna stick to monkey butt.
You put a monkey butt with a person like me in a room, you'll get an angry ambiance. Half the time a monkey butt would say nonsense and he or she wouldn't even realize it.

Have you ever been so angry that your heart actually raced and your face gets hot?

I reckon this is another test for me from god. I've had a good share of a series of unfortunate events. He has something for me at the end of the line. Something good I know. Its normal for a human to have to put up with nonsense before the good things come along.

I overdosed myself with Easyway. Not too sure if that's fine or not.

That's a wrap. Goodnight.

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