1) Lubang ape yang rasanye hangat,nikmat dan nyaman? Answer: LUBANGun pagi2, tarik selimut pas tu tido balik.
2) Minyak ape yang disukai oleh lelaki?Answer: MINYAKsikan pertandingan bolasepak Liga-M
3) Kuih ape yang bungkusnya di dalam, isinya di luar? Answer: Kuih salah bikin.
4) Binatang ape power Karate?Answer: Kuda belang.cube kira brape black belt dia ade..
5) Siape yang menemukan dompet kulit?Answer: Yang menemukan dompet kulit tersebut tolong pulangkan kepada saye.
8) Pintu ape yang walaupun dengan 10 org pun tak leh nak tolak?Answer: Pintu yang ade tulis 'TARIK'
9) Saya ade 3 kepala,4 tangan dan 5 kaki...siapakah saya?Answer: Pembohong...
10) Apa dia 'Jauh di mata, dekat di hati'?Answer: Usus
11) Binatang ape yang seluruh anggota tubuhnya kat kepala?Answer: Kutu rambut
12) Nenek sape jalannya meloncat-loncat?Answer: Neneknye si katak
13) Knape lelaki jarang kene penyakit anjing gila? Answer: Sbb lelaki ni kan 'buaya'
14) Ape beza sekretari baik ngan sekretari kurang baik?Answer: - Sekretari baik..................'Selamat pagi tuan' - Sekretari kurang baik...........'Dah pagi ni tuan'
15) Ape persamaan Michael Jordan ngan Michael Jackson?Answer: Dua-dua tak kenal korang...hehe
16) Tukang ape yang kalau dipanggil, die menjenguk ke atas?Answer: Tukang gali kubur
17) Nak mencari sikit punye susah, bile dah dapat buang, ape bendanya?Answer: Tahi hidung
18) Ape persamaan kain jemuran ngan telefon?Answer: Dua-dua kalau dah 'kringgg' bole diangkat...
19) Knape pokok kelapa kat depan rumah harus ditebang?Answer: Mestilah kene tebang, sape nak cabut pokok kelapa ...gile ape...
20) Gajah terbang dengan ape?Answer: Dengan susah payah......
29 Jan 2010
I just woke up and I kinda miss home. Goin' for breakfast with my mom and everyone. It's always nice coz she'll pay for it.*heheh* There are not many places to go to in KB. So we would usually end up going to Ayamku Soon Lee restaurant for dim sum. Or DKM for it's kew tiaw daging, no sayur and extra egg.*heheh.* I have issues when it comes to consuming vegetables. The boyfriends' mom would always complain about me not eating vegetables*or not eating at all*. She would go like "Why are you not eating the sayur?" or "Why are you not eating nasi?Eat nasi, paning karang."
My mom doesn't really care. She knows how I am. I'm a meat lover. *hehe*. To my mom's eyes I eat all the time. I think. I don't know.
Ohh,we also sometimes head down to Seria to have breakfast at kadai 11 we call it. The name of the shop is UNIVERSAL. It's an OLDDDD kopitiam which serves only bread and egg. *roti kawin, roti panggang, roti butter, telur setengah masak, telur tiga suku masak, telur mata lembu, heheheh* It's a really nice place. And it's clean. I can go to any restaurant as long as it's clean. 'The outside always represent how the inside is."
Sometimes I would just go to kadai 11 with the boyfie when he is in KB. And the both of us would just drink coffee *ok,he drinks coffee,since i don't drink coffee i would usually order myself cold barley and it's very nyaman* and eat roti panggang and such.
Can't wait to go to MIRI. I wana get lots and lots of sour ribbons.I like sour ribbons *from famous amos.Only from famous amous.* I wana get the blueberry flavour, the strawberry flavour and the colorful one. Just like my life the sour ribbons are like. Sour at first, sweet later it becomes.*hehe* OK, my life doesn't ALWAYS begin with sour-ness. Sometimes it begins with sweetness and ends with sourness. Haven't came across such thing though. Sour in the midst of living it, yes. *heheh* I'm just rambling now aren't I?
Anyhoo, I think I need to pee.And shower.That is all for now.I guess. See Ya.
My mom doesn't really care. She knows how I am. I'm a meat lover. *hehe*. To my mom's eyes I eat all the time. I think. I don't know.
Ohh,we also sometimes head down to Seria to have breakfast at kadai 11 we call it. The name of the shop is UNIVERSAL. It's an OLDDDD kopitiam which serves only bread and egg. *roti kawin, roti panggang, roti butter, telur setengah masak, telur tiga suku masak, telur mata lembu, heheheh* It's a really nice place. And it's clean. I can go to any restaurant as long as it's clean. 'The outside always represent how the inside is."
Sometimes I would just go to kadai 11 with the boyfie when he is in KB. And the both of us would just drink coffee *ok,he drinks coffee,since i don't drink coffee i would usually order myself cold barley and it's very nyaman* and eat roti panggang and such.
Can't wait to go to MIRI. I wana get lots and lots of sour ribbons.I like sour ribbons *from famous amos.Only from famous amous.* I wana get the blueberry flavour, the strawberry flavour and the colorful one. Just like my life the sour ribbons are like. Sour at first, sweet later it becomes.*hehe* OK, my life doesn't ALWAYS begin with sour-ness. Sometimes it begins with sweetness and ends with sourness. Haven't came across such thing though. Sour in the midst of living it, yes. *heheh* I'm just rambling now aren't I?
Anyhoo, I think I need to pee.And shower.That is all for now.I guess. See Ya.
28 Jan 2010
Sleepy Head
I am so freakin' sleepy. And it's not even 10 yet.
Currently working on my presentation. I have to get 20 slides ready by SATURDAY and right now I'm on slide number 4.Yeay me.Life is hard.FACE IT.
*you should know it took me awhile to think about what to write next*
You know what. Maybe I should persue my Msc doing Inventory management. Or OR.*hehe*. Maybe something related to economics. My lecturer said economists do not study the theory behind an equation they use. But mathematitians do. *boo, I no like* Economists are lucky people. I wana join them. Maybe. I don't know. We'll see how it goes. But pretty sure I will be doing something. Yes.
Well gotta go back to doing me slides. It ain't gona finish itself.
Nity nite.
Currently working on my presentation. I have to get 20 slides ready by SATURDAY and right now I'm on slide number 4.Yeay me.Life is hard.FACE IT.
*you should know it took me awhile to think about what to write next*
You know what. Maybe I should persue my Msc doing Inventory management. Or OR.*hehe*. Maybe something related to economics. My lecturer said economists do not study the theory behind an equation they use. But mathematitians do. *boo, I no like* Economists are lucky people. I wana join them. Maybe. I don't know. We'll see how it goes. But pretty sure I will be doing something. Yes.
Well gotta go back to doing me slides. It ain't gona finish itself.
Nity nite.
27 Jan 2010
all time favourite
You dont want to do anything that would make someone hate you. You want to make it impossible for them not to love you.
26 Jan 2010
Taylor Series Expansion
Something ironic happened today. We had three different classes but studied the same thing. TAYLOR SERIES. It’s amazing how it is used in so many applications. The three different classes were Numerical Analysis 2, Non-Linear programming and Financial Math. See what I mean. Three different subjects, talking about the same thing. Ironic.” Not so, you might say. They are all still math.” But IT IS trust me. *I’m sure my math geek friends can feel me on this one.*
*hmm..I’m gona have to find something new to excite me.*
These past few days have been nothing more then school work and err…school work. I can say I pretty much do not socialize anymore.It has been ages since I’ve gone out at night and hang. My day to day routine is wake up, go to classes. Nap. Then head to boyfie’s place. *With school work constantly playing in my head. It’s freakin’ annoying.* And I have no freakin’ idea why. *the fact that it doesn’t stop* I think I’m worrying too much about what to do after degree is over. WORK? STUDY? Do I have other options? Ah crap.
Anyway, I kinda miss doing the things that I used to do. Not that it was anything big. But it was something worth remembering. But things change, people change. There’s a saying that goes like this ‘there’s nothing permanent except change’. At one point or another I think this is true.
God. I need to shop. This moody puffy feeling needs to be brushed off with some shopping. Come to think about it, I should not. I might just end up feeling guilty for spending too much. And the boyfriend would go, “eh, abis saja duit u ani.” Maybe I’ll just get food. Lots and lots of food.
That is all.
Oh almost forgot. The boyfriends' BB competition is very close.*wohoooo*.All I want is to eat good food with you again.Together. =D
*hmm..I’m gona have to find something new to excite me.*
These past few days have been nothing more then school work and err…school work. I can say I pretty much do not socialize anymore.It has been ages since I’ve gone out at night and hang. My day to day routine is wake up, go to classes. Nap. Then head to boyfie’s place. *With school work constantly playing in my head. It’s freakin’ annoying.* And I have no freakin’ idea why. *the fact that it doesn’t stop* I think I’m worrying too much about what to do after degree is over. WORK? STUDY? Do I have other options? Ah crap.
Anyway, I kinda miss doing the things that I used to do. Not that it was anything big. But it was something worth remembering. But things change, people change. There’s a saying that goes like this ‘there’s nothing permanent except change’. At one point or another I think this is true.
God. I need to shop. This moody puffy feeling needs to be brushed off with some shopping. Come to think about it, I should not. I might just end up feeling guilty for spending too much. And the boyfriend would go, “eh, abis saja duit u ani.” Maybe I’ll just get food. Lots and lots of food.
That is all.
Oh almost forgot. The boyfriends' BB competition is very close.*wohoooo*.All I want is to eat good food with you again.Together. =D
22 Jan 2010
Baby got back

Happy anniversary to you sayang. Love You.
Moving on to a totally unrelated topic.
I was like moving aimless around the house. Then it crossed my mind.
Why are some things not meant to be?
You might have heard a person said ‘it’s not meant to be because it’s not meant to be’. When you hear that it means only one thing. You got an answer of a lazy ass. I’m not saying that it is wrong to say that. I just think there actually reasons why things didn’t turn out like how you hoped or wished for.
Here are a few reasons that I manage to come up with:
· God has something / someone better planned for you
· You got your hands on something / someone which belongs to someone else
· You’re mean. Hence no guy/girl wants to be with you.
· You didn’t work hard enough for it
· It was never for you to begin with
· *I think I’m running out of ideas*
· …..
Ok I think that’s all I have. Heheh.
See there are reasons why some things are not meant to be.
There are always reasons behind everything.
Like how I’m currently reading Eclipse*book number 3 of the twilight series*.I started reading during my one month holiday. I was bored. And I wanted to know what happened next after watching new moon. Heheh. I don’t really like the story. Having 2 guys to love you that much is just crap. Will finish the book soon.
What else is there?
20 Jan 2010
And so he left
First of all I would like to say, I’m effin tired. I have not been tired in a very long time. It’s good though. To be tired and everything. Atleast you know you had a very productive day.
It was a fun day today.
Let me start by telling what happened after our 8 o’clock class.
We had financial mathematics in the morning. Thought by, which* I secretly thinks* one of the cutest lecturer in our math department, Dr Abby Tan. Infact, I think he’s the only one who’s nice to look at during a lecture. Heheheh. There’s Dr Holtby. I think he’s more adorable than cute. As for everyone else. They are old. But very nice people though.
Anyway, after class today, we decided to go to the airport to send off Prof.Hosking. Since today is his very last day in Brunei. So we all went to send him off. Almost everyone from the math department came. The lecturers I mean. We were the only math students that came to send him off. And afew engineering students came as well.
Nobody dropped any tears. So it was more like a fun goodbye.
Prof.Hosking was*or is it ‘is’?* one of the oldest professors in UBD. He contributed a lot to the department during his 12 years of service in UBD. So I guess that’s why everyone came to send him off.
After ‘saying goodbye’ session was over, WE *all the math students. There are only 8 of us* had lunch with DR Saiful.
It was fun. We chat*Dr Saiful is very chatty*. And so many secrets were revealed. Heheh. We were ‘kepo’. So he ‘layan’ saja. Hahah. Some of the stories he told us were really funny.
Two classes were cancelled today. Just because we wanted to send off Prof. Hosking. And we were never really close to begin with. Heheh.
That’s about it.
I went jogging with Pei Yuen today. Still manage to do my usual amount of laps.*No. I’m not gonna tell how many* I’m now sleepy and hungry at the same time.
I’ll prolly post some photos of today soon. Have to get them from Fakhriah.
Which reminds me, I have to join an ECA man. I have not joined anything since my 2nd year. I think. The thing is, I just don’t know what to sign up for. They do offer some interesting clubs though.
So yea.
That is it for now. Will post more stuff soon. Hopefully . I left the blog stagnant for about 3 days I think. Pei Yuen was already complaining. So I think I’ll try to update it as frequent as possible. I’ll just jot down a title if I happened to ‘dry’ out of issues to write. Ok Pei Yuen?heheh.
It was a fun day today.
Let me start by telling what happened after our 8 o’clock class.
We had financial mathematics in the morning. Thought by, which* I secretly thinks* one of the cutest lecturer in our math department, Dr Abby Tan. Infact, I think he’s the only one who’s nice to look at during a lecture. Heheheh. There’s Dr Holtby. I think he’s more adorable than cute. As for everyone else. They are old. But very nice people though.
Anyway, after class today, we decided to go to the airport to send off Prof.Hosking. Since today is his very last day in Brunei. So we all went to send him off. Almost everyone from the math department came. The lecturers I mean. We were the only math students that came to send him off. And afew engineering students came as well.
Nobody dropped any tears. So it was more like a fun goodbye.
Prof.Hosking was*or is it ‘is’?* one of the oldest professors in UBD. He contributed a lot to the department during his 12 years of service in UBD. So I guess that’s why everyone came to send him off.
After ‘saying goodbye’ session was over, WE *all the math students. There are only 8 of us* had lunch with DR Saiful.
It was fun. We chat*Dr Saiful is very chatty*. And so many secrets were revealed. Heheh. We were ‘kepo’. So he ‘layan’ saja. Hahah. Some of the stories he told us were really funny.
Two classes were cancelled today. Just because we wanted to send off Prof. Hosking. And we were never really close to begin with. Heheh.
That’s about it.
I went jogging with Pei Yuen today. Still manage to do my usual amount of laps.*No. I’m not gonna tell how many* I’m now sleepy and hungry at the same time.
I’ll prolly post some photos of today soon. Have to get them from Fakhriah.
Which reminds me, I have to join an ECA man. I have not joined anything since my 2nd year. I think. The thing is, I just don’t know what to sign up for. They do offer some interesting clubs though.
So yea.
That is it for now. Will post more stuff soon. Hopefully . I left the blog stagnant for about 3 days I think. Pei Yuen was already complaining. So I think I’ll try to update it as frequent as possible. I’ll just jot down a title if I happened to ‘dry’ out of issues to write. Ok Pei Yuen?heheh.
16 Jan 2010
thank you god
I got my phone back.*yeay*.I would like to thank the person who actually found it and gave it to the A.R. Thank you so much. Unfortunately I don't know who the person is. The people from the faculty office said it was a student. Anyway, thank you. I really do hope the person will come around and maybe come and talk to me. =)
Sadly, I barred my number yesterday. So i'm gona have to re-register and get a new sim card. And that's gona cost me $10. But it's alright. It's way better then to lose a few hundreds worth of phone just like that.
I'm in an empty class room right now. My class doesn't start until 5.*yeaaa...annoyingly late*The weather is really nice today. It would be nice to go for a 20 mins run on the track. But then, i can't really miss this class.It's only the second class,so most prolly they'll discuss about changing the time table.Can't miss that.
*god my head is pounding*
I went to see Dr Hoque today.GOD HE IS FAST.When explaining i mean.I was like "huh?","what?","ha?". And the way he say things it's like rojak.
He said, "Ok, area of the circle.."*when clearly it was a triangle* and i was like "Triangle" and he said, "Oh, triangle". So he said the area of the triangle. Then he said again " Do you now understand from the area of the circle?" He said CIRCLE again!! And so, i let him be.*couldn't be bothered anymore.Apparently a triangle is also a circle.*
Anyway,now you know why my head is pounding right now.heheh.
Atleast I got my phone back.heheh.
Smilesss all the way
Sadly, I barred my number yesterday. So i'm gona have to re-register and get a new sim card. And that's gona cost me $10. But it's alright. It's way better then to lose a few hundreds worth of phone just like that.
I'm in an empty class room right now. My class doesn't start until 5.*yeaaa...annoyingly late*The weather is really nice today. It would be nice to go for a 20 mins run on the track. But then, i can't really miss this class.It's only the second class,so most prolly they'll discuss about changing the time table.Can't miss that.
*god my head is pounding*
I went to see Dr Hoque today.GOD HE IS FAST.When explaining i mean.I was like "huh?","what?","ha?". And the way he say things it's like rojak.
He said, "Ok, area of the circle.."*when clearly it was a triangle* and i was like "Triangle" and he said, "Oh, triangle". So he said the area of the triangle. Then he said again " Do you now understand from the area of the circle?" He said CIRCLE again!! And so, i let him be.*couldn't be bothered anymore.Apparently a triangle is also a circle.*
Anyway,now you know why my head is pounding right now.heheh.
Atleast I got my phone back.heheh.
Smilesss all the way
15 Jan 2010
mid-life crisis
I was going through my facebook and came across a friend's status. From day-to-day i realize,her status is sad and very heart broken. Very much in a state of confusion. Since i'm the type of person who believes in everything that she reads and brilliant at making my own assumptions, i came to a conclusion that she is having a love life crisis.I think.Very sad though.
I very much went through a midlife crisis that almost took away my toe-nails from my ever so odd looking toes. I mean at one point or another everyone has to go through crap right? We grow, we learn. Although it wasn't an interesting experience, it made me learn a lil' thing or two. And came to know myself a lil bit better. Which is great. *I think*. So yea. I wish that friend all the best. *Although i know there's a slim chance that she'll read this post of mine.* What doesn't kill ya' makes u stronger.
Moving on to a totally different topic. The 'boyfie' will be joining another body building competition this end of JANUARY. So right now he's on his 'strict' dieting stage. Where he can only drink 600 ml of water a day. Eats like he has diabetes and a person that has high salt content in the body*i don't really know what you call that scientifically*. Plus intensive workouts. Not forgetting the 'toppings' of the whole thing. Heavier weights.I really hope he'll do well for the competition.And I can't wait to go see.Heheh.There will be other men in tinnie underwears I can watch.*snikers*And they will be flexing.*yea baby*Hmm..I think I went a lil' overboard.
So yea. That is all for now. 2nd post of the day.Extraordinarily impressive.Heheh.
I very much went through a midlife crisis that almost took away my toe-nails from my ever so odd looking toes. I mean at one point or another everyone has to go through crap right? We grow, we learn. Although it wasn't an interesting experience, it made me learn a lil' thing or two. And came to know myself a lil bit better. Which is great. *I think*. So yea. I wish that friend all the best. *Although i know there's a slim chance that she'll read this post of mine.* What doesn't kill ya' makes u stronger.
Moving on to a totally different topic. The 'boyfie' will be joining another body building competition this end of JANUARY. So right now he's on his 'strict' dieting stage. Where he can only drink 600 ml of water a day. Eats like he has diabetes and a person that has high salt content in the body*i don't really know what you call that scientifically*. Plus intensive workouts. Not forgetting the 'toppings' of the whole thing. Heavier weights.I really hope he'll do well for the competition.And I can't wait to go see.Heheh.There will be other men in tinnie underwears I can watch.*snikers*And they will be flexing.*yea baby*Hmm..I think I went a lil' overboard.
So yea. That is all for now. 2nd post of the day.Extraordinarily impressive.Heheh.
a lil scribble
Hey, it’s my second post for the year. Not too bad. Still holding on tight. Hehe. I still can’t get over the fact that I don’t have my phone. =( I’m like , “Maybe I can call-oh wait the minute I don’t have a phone” and sometimes I go like, “Let’s take pictures of-oh wait the minute, no PHONE.” *Erghhh* I’m starting to get really pissed and ANNOYED.*now I’m getting sad*
So anyway, my plan today is to maybe finish off my project that has been pending since last year. Ok that sounds a lil’ dramatic. Let me elaborate. I was given an assignment. LAST YEAR. DECEMBER. And I’m still stuck on the same question. I remember my brother was like saying, “eh, you’re still here??”. Easy for him to say. The thing that I’m supposed to do is just a lil’ tiny tinnie way above my everyday intelligence capability. So it’s taking me awhile. It shouldn’t be hard according to my lecturer ( DR Hoque). Again, easy for him to say.*making a face*
Let me tell you what my project is all about. It is math related ofcourse. And also, economics related. The economics behind the material is easy to comprehend. It’s the math that’s giving me a HARD time.
Ok so, let me start from scratch. Since it’s our final year in the university, we are all given a project to work on. Which is related to our course. In my case, I’m a math major. So math is what I have to get my ass to work on. We have to finish the project by the end of this semester most prolly around APRIL. I can do math. Provided I have a comrade to work with. I’ll be at my worst if I have to start working alone. “Why not ask your lecturer to help you?” you may ask. Ok, here’s the thing I have DR HOQUE as my supervisor. For those who has had him as a lecturer would understand my problem. (he has an accent). I won’t elaborate more. Since this is a public blog.
So anyway, I’m reviewing a paper that talks about consignment stock policy.
A lil’ description of the CONSIGNMENT STOCK POLICY:
“Stock control in Supply Chain management is of concern here, particularly an
industrial practice observed in the automotive manufacturing context and defined
as ‘Consignment Stock’ (CS). To understand the potentiality of CS policy, an
analytical modelling is offered that refers to the problem of a single-vendor and
single-buyer productive situation. A comparison with the optimal solution available
in the literature is also shown. The conclusion proposes a method that is
useful in identifying those productive situations where CS might be implemented
successfully. Results show how CS policy might be a strategic and profitable
approach to stock management in uncertain environments, i.e. where delivery
lead times or market demand vary over time.”
Few graphs are given and of course equations. My job is to derive the equation by referring to the graph.
So yea. Have to start working after this. Like really really hard. This is because I have to see DR Hoque tomorrow and show him my progress.
Moving on to another topic. Too bad what I have in mind is gonnabe about school again. Hehe. I’m no goody goody. But school is pretty much what’s going on right now.
I would like to complain about how much work I already have that is pending. And it’s only the first week of school. And mind you the week is NOT over yet.
I have:
1. Numerical Analysis ex. to do.
2. Non-Linear programming ex. to do.
3. An essay about quantum mechanics to compose. To be handed on the 13th of feb
4. A poster to set up. Related to Thermal Mass.
*I have a feeling I might have missed some stuff* but nevermind. That is a lot enough.
Better start workin’.
So anyway, my plan today is to maybe finish off my project that has been pending since last year. Ok that sounds a lil’ dramatic. Let me elaborate. I was given an assignment. LAST YEAR. DECEMBER. And I’m still stuck on the same question. I remember my brother was like saying, “eh, you’re still here??”. Easy for him to say. The thing that I’m supposed to do is just a lil’ tiny tinnie way above my everyday intelligence capability. So it’s taking me awhile. It shouldn’t be hard according to my lecturer ( DR Hoque). Again, easy for him to say.*making a face*
Let me tell you what my project is all about. It is math related ofcourse. And also, economics related. The economics behind the material is easy to comprehend. It’s the math that’s giving me a HARD time.
Ok so, let me start from scratch. Since it’s our final year in the university, we are all given a project to work on. Which is related to our course. In my case, I’m a math major. So math is what I have to get my ass to work on. We have to finish the project by the end of this semester most prolly around APRIL. I can do math. Provided I have a comrade to work with. I’ll be at my worst if I have to start working alone. “Why not ask your lecturer to help you?” you may ask. Ok, here’s the thing I have DR HOQUE as my supervisor. For those who has had him as a lecturer would understand my problem. (he has an accent). I won’t elaborate more. Since this is a public blog.
So anyway, I’m reviewing a paper that talks about consignment stock policy.
A lil’ description of the CONSIGNMENT STOCK POLICY:
“Stock control in Supply Chain management is of concern here, particularly an
industrial practice observed in the automotive manufacturing context and defined
as ‘Consignment Stock’ (CS). To understand the potentiality of CS policy, an
analytical modelling is offered that refers to the problem of a single-vendor and
single-buyer productive situation. A comparison with the optimal solution available
in the literature is also shown. The conclusion proposes a method that is
useful in identifying those productive situations where CS might be implemented
successfully. Results show how CS policy might be a strategic and profitable
approach to stock management in uncertain environments, i.e. where delivery
lead times or market demand vary over time.”
Few graphs are given and of course equations. My job is to derive the equation by referring to the graph.
So yea. Have to start working after this. Like really really hard. This is because I have to see DR Hoque tomorrow and show him my progress.
Moving on to another topic. Too bad what I have in mind is gonnabe about school again. Hehe. I’m no goody goody. But school is pretty much what’s going on right now.
I would like to complain about how much work I already have that is pending. And it’s only the first week of school. And mind you the week is NOT over yet.
I have:
1. Numerical Analysis ex. to do.
2. Non-Linear programming ex. to do.
3. An essay about quantum mechanics to compose. To be handed on the 13th of feb
4. A poster to set up. Related to Thermal Mass.
*I have a feeling I might have missed some stuff* but nevermind. That is a lot enough.
Better start workin’.
14 Jan 2010
self welcome
So to begin I would like to welcome my self and make a self pact. “Keep this blog running woman!”. Ok will try. =)
A new year, a new blog. Yeay.
*you should know it took me awhile to think about what to write next after the ‘yeay’*
Anyway moving on, today was our third day of our very last semester in uni. Nothing much happened. Except that my fone got stolen. Which is sad. It was a gift from the boyfie.HaH!Dammit! It was the best fone I’ve ever owned. It has all it’s fancy features and stuff. *arghh* Oh well, there’s nothing much I can do anymore. Hence I will be fone-less this coming few weeks. I wonder if I’ll survive?
Before I end this very first post of mine *yes that is all*,
Here are some funny things that I heard my lecturers said while teaching today:
“ Do not come into this class if you do not have your calculator!!” DR Hoque.
“ The flow of equation is*pause*.How do you solve this?” DR Saiful.
It might not seem funny when you read it. But it did sound silly when they said it. Heheh…
A new year, a new blog. Yeay.
*you should know it took me awhile to think about what to write next after the ‘yeay’*
Anyway moving on, today was our third day of our very last semester in uni. Nothing much happened. Except that my fone got stolen. Which is sad. It was a gift from the boyfie.HaH!Dammit! It was the best fone I’ve ever owned. It has all it’s fancy features and stuff. *arghh* Oh well, there’s nothing much I can do anymore. Hence I will be fone-less this coming few weeks. I wonder if I’ll survive?
Before I end this very first post of mine *yes that is all*,
Here are some funny things that I heard my lecturers said while teaching today:
“ Do not come into this class if you do not have your calculator!!” DR Hoque.
“ The flow of equation is*pause*.How do you solve this?” DR Saiful.
It might not seem funny when you read it. But it did sound silly when they said it. Heheh…
so i guess that is all.
moral of the story.i used to own E 66. not anymore!! =(
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